A statement of claim is the initial document, filed with a Court by a party making a claim (the Plaintiff) against another party (the Defendant) to commence court proceedings. Most commonly, statements of claim are served in person unless the claim is against a company – in which case it is served at the registered
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What is a Caveat? Generally, a caveat’s purpose is to advise prospective buyers that a third party (a caveator) might have legal interests in the property. Without the caveator’s consent, the owner should not enter into any transactions concerning a transfer of the interest in the property. A caveat can be lodged and withdrawn online
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Introduction to different types of FIRB approvals with respect to foreign acquisition of residential properties in Australia The Foreign Investment Review Board (‘FIRB’) requires foreign purchasers to have received FIRB approval prior to entering into an unconditional contract of sale for a residential property in Australia.1 The most common types of FIRB approvals are as
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Company law historically relies on the principle of majority rule. Board and shareholder decisions of companies are usually determined by a simple majority vote. Therefore, the shareholders who hold a minority of the votes, may have little, if any, control or influence over the direction and development of a company. Oppressive Conduct In general, minority
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